Our Ordinary Life

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Finally a normal day

Whew! Things are finally returning to normal - or at least what I call normal! I finally got some time to scrap! Tonight when we came home, the boys decided they wanted to play upstairs. I'm not really sure why...but I wasn't going to question it. So I sat myself down in front of the computer and scrapped! It took me about three hours (with a few misteps along the way), but I did finally complete a page for Susan's DigiScrapLift blog. I showed this to Danny and he was very happy with it (he said this is one of his favorite pics of the boys). But, the original journaling was too serious for such a fun layout. Then he said "wasn't there a band..." I immediately knew he was talking about Men Without Hats. I've always loved the song "Safety Dance." I'm not sure why. It's just one of those weird 80's songs that I just love. But it was perfect for the fun layout I had in mind. So here it is...Boyz Without Goggles:

Papers, word pepples: Mindy Terasawa's Playful kit(sweetshoppedesigns, Stitching: Sara Carling's Aero kit (also at sweetshoppedesigns), Staples - Shabby Princess' Signature Collection, Mini Tag - Spring Fling Kit Digital Design Essentials Spring/Summer CD, Font - President, Lyrics - Safety Dance by Men Without Hats (courtesy of lyrics.astraweb.com), Scraplift of OliveJuice's Character layout at the shabbyshoppe(also as seen on Susan' DigiScrapLift Blog)