Our Ordinary Life

Monday, January 07, 2008

Weekend Recap

I had to work on New Year's Eve, so I took last Friday off as a comp. day. Dan and I took the boys to San Antonio to go see The Alamo. Dan had never been and I hadn't been since 1984. It's a little different now. LOL! The Daughters of the Texas Revolution have done a fantastic job restoring the old mission and the long barracks (all that remain of the original Alamo.). Now you can go in the old church (called The Shrine). The Long Barracks have been turned into a Museum. There is a large courtyard with many of the canons that the Texans used to defend themselves against Santa Ana. And of course, a gift shop.

The Shrine:

The guys in front of The Shrine:

Adam and one of the canons. The kid is just nuts for all things Army:

One of the best parts of the day was letting Geary carry around a "big" digital camera. We gave him the old Olympus to use for the day.

Here's one of the photos he took. The composition just cracks me up!

I'm still going strong on the Photo-A-Day challenge. I've posted a link to my Project 365 Flickr album under the Inspirations section. Feel free to check it out!

Finally, I'm going to leave you with a layout. I've started the Body For Life for Women challenge. Part of the program is writing down your personal reasons for following the plan. Since I'm a scrapbooker, I decided to turn it into a layout. Coincidently, it goes along with Emily Falconbridge's new year-long challenge of a word a week to put in an Art Journal. You can read more about it here.

Credits can be found here.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

One Word

I've been a huge fan of Ali Edwards for a long time. The last couple years she's blogged about her one little word. You can read more about it here. This year, I've picked a word that I think will work well for me: PLAY. I want to PLAY more with my kids. I want to PLAY more with my camera. I want to PLAY more with my scrapping. Here's a layout I did in about my word:

Credits can be found here: Play

In the spirit of PLAY, I've started the Project 365 challenge from Photojojo. You can read more about it here. The basic concept is to take (at least) one photo everyday for 365 days. Since this is a leap year, I guess that makes it Project 366...LOL! Here are my first 3 photos:

Jan01: Our family walk on New Year's Day

Gas price on the day oil hit $100/barrel

My desk at work:

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

7 for 2007

A new year and a new effort to document our (somewhat boring) life here in Texas. You never know what you may find here, but I hope it's entertaining :)

I saw this thread on MSA a few weeks ago about posting your top 7 photos for 2007. I thought it would be a piece of cake. HAH! My first pass through my 2007 photos garnered 62 photos! I finally whittled it down to my top 7 (with 7 runners-up). So here you go with the Top 7. Tomorrow I'll post my runner-up photos: