Our Ordinary Life

Thursday, January 03, 2008

One Word

I've been a huge fan of Ali Edwards for a long time. The last couple years she's blogged about her one little word. You can read more about it here. This year, I've picked a word that I think will work well for me: PLAY. I want to PLAY more with my kids. I want to PLAY more with my camera. I want to PLAY more with my scrapping. Here's a layout I did in about my word:

Credits can be found here: Play

In the spirit of PLAY, I've started the Project 365 challenge from Photojojo. You can read more about it here. The basic concept is to take (at least) one photo everyday for 365 days. Since this is a leap year, I guess that makes it Project 366...LOL! Here are my first 3 photos:

Jan01: Our family walk on New Year's Day

Gas price on the day oil hit $100/barrel

My desk at work: