Our Ordinary Life

Monday, November 03, 2008


The boys had a really good Halloween. First, they designed their own pumpkins for Dan to carve. I'm not sure who loves this more, the boys or Dan :)

Then they had to pose for Mom...Adam is in character (our little Obi Wan), but I'm not sure where the Ninja-Gangster pose came from...

And Dan couldn't be left out of the "costume" thing, since he was chaperoning:

Where was I? At home passing out candy to the tricksters that came to our door. I probably had about 10 sets of kids come knocking...including this motley crew!

It's great to have a group of friends in the neighborhood that you can run around with!

My favorite trickster of the evening was a little boy - probably about 4 years old - dressed as Darth Vader. When I answered the door, he told me he was worried that vampires had taken over my house because I had "danger signs" in the front yard.

Gotta love the imagination of litte kids.

Overall, it was a great evening for the kids. After trick-or-treating, then spent about 30 minutes down the street jumping on a trampoline...because running around several blocks just isn't enough excercise, is it?


Lena said...

LOL at the vampires! Thanks for the chuckle!

Shawna said...

That is too cute about the vampires! I think I'd be okay with vampires taking over my house as long as they look like Edward Cullen lol!