Our Ordinary Life

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I keep hearing...

How this is the most important election EVAH! Sorry peeps! About every 10 or 15 years, we hear the same thing. I wasn't able to vote the first time Ronald Reagan was elected President...but it was the most important election ever! Twelve years later, when Bill Clinton was running for President on a "Hopeandchange" message, it was "the most important election ever." Once again, we are hearing it's the most important election ever. EVERY ELECTTION IS IMPORTANT! You (yes, YOU!) should vote in each and every election. Pay attention! Stay involved! Stay connected! It's your right AND duty as an American citizen to vote. It's the only way to affect change. So We Don't Get Fooled Again!


Kresta said...

Yeah, I think that's funny they say that every time! Whether or not it's the most important, I totally agree that every election is important! I voted this morning!

Unknown said...

WOOT! True that woman! Vote vote vote!!

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

I don't know... I think Millard Filmore's election year was fairly insignificant. Chester A Arthur too.


Cyberwombat said...

And let us not forget the inestimable Martin van Buren.