Our Ordinary Life

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Back to our regularly scheduled programming!

Enough of the political nonesense.

Geary got a promotion of sorts in swimming last night. His coach moved him to a new lane so he can swim with the faster swimmers. The coach told Geary that he's good and that in the old lane, he was being held back by the other swimmers. This freaked out Geary a bit. He told me after practice that he couldn't keep up with the other boys. But as I watched practice, he was keeping up with them just fine until the very end. The coach and I talked to Geary after practice and got him to promise to swim with the "better" swimmers for a week and if he didn't like it, he could move back with the "slower" swimmers. I tried to give Geary a pep talk after practice - the whole rah rah you're awesome speech. But I also explained to him that the only way to improve is to swim with the better, faster swimmers. I'm sure he's disappointed because in his old lane, he was the fastest swimmer, but now he's no longer the fastest in his lane. I can understand his hesitation and fear at suddenly not being the best. But I know this will help him in the long run. When I explained to him that it was a promotion from Bronze I to Bronze II and that none of the other kids had been promoted, his eyes lit up! I hope this acts as some motivation to keep him trying hard.

And...just a little layout to pump up my Fly Man!

Credits can be found here at My Scrapbook Art


Melissa said...

That's great that he got moved up. I'm sure that he will adjust in no time and once again be one of the fastest!

Kresta said...

Aww, that's great - good for him!!

Kristen said...

It's so hard for them at this age to understand the compliment in a move like that. I really hope he sticks with it!!

Monique said...

Beautiful layout, and congrats to him on his achievement! That's really awesome!