Our Ordinary Life

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A Whacky Weekend

I had this perfect Father's Day Weekend planned for Danny. I was supposed to entertain the kids for most of the weekend so he could do whatever he wanted (build models, mostly). It was supposed to be in return for my Mother's Day "day of peace." Of course, things never turn out exactly as planned.

Danny has decided that he wants to can japalenos and other hot peppers. I bought him a canning pot (it's gigantic), the metal ring insert & various tools to encourgae his new endeavor. Saturday he canned 5 jars of jalapenos. Nice! Sunday, we go out for more jalapenos and tomatoes. Tomatoes, because we're going to have fajitas for dinner and I want fresh pico de gallo! So, after all our running around, I tell Danny I want to take a little nap - I'm feeling a little tired. After that, the boys and I were going to make our special Father's Day gift. Well, 2 hours later I wake up. Yes, my wonderful man let me sleep! I get up to see what the kids are doing outside. As soon as I stepped out the back door, my left foot collapsed under me and I fell HARD on the ground and promptly starting crying! Geary rides up on his bike and just stares at me crying on the ground. He finally went to get Danny. Between Danny & Geary, they got me up and helped me back into the house. There went all hopes of Father's Day peace. I spent the rest of the day planted on the sofa.

I went to the doctor on Monday and was diagnosed with a Stage 2 sprain (on a scale of 1 - 4). The kicker - I did the same thing exactly 3 years ago! No kidding! My doctor & I had a good laugh about that! I am supposed to rest, keep my foot elevated and wear an Ace bandage for compression. It feels a lot better today, but I still have a hard time moving around. Fortunately, I can work from home. It's just as easy to yell at Oracle from the comfort of my own home as it is to yell at them in my office {wink, wink}