OK, so I'm taking Stacy Julian's Library of Memories class. Right now, I'm organizing my photos - both digital and print. I thought my photos were fairly well organized... NOT! There is some method to my madness, but it really is organized chaos! So, as I'm going through my print photos, I find a picture from Christmas of the year my son Adam was born (he was born just a couple days before Christmas). This brought back memories of sitting in my DMIL's house with a 3-day-old baby and laughing my head off! (Ok, I thought I was going to split my stitches, I was laughing so hard!) My SIL and her husband brought a game for all of us to play on Christmas Day (a family tradition). We sat in the front room of my DMIL's house being super loud and rowdy playing Balderdash, while my 3-day-old baby slept! Yes! That boy slept through the entire commotion! All this prompted this layout:
Papers - Michelle Coleman( scrapartist.com); Cards - Balderdash, courtesy of Parker Brothers; Fonts - CK Printer (Ali Edwards), Nicotine Stains
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