Our Ordinary Life

Friday, July 16, 2010

Mid Year Recap, Part Deux

Mel goes on a Business Trip:
I went on the dog-and-pony show for Accelerated Month-End close, in preparation for our upcoming merger. I was demoing management reporting and how it would make their lives easier...blah, blah, blah! What that meant was that I got to travel overseas again...this time to the Eastern Hemisphere. I spent 4 days in Frankfurt and 4 days in Dubai. Frankfurt was wunderbar! The food was fantastic; the beer was fantastic (and I don't drink beer anymore!); the weather was fantastic! And best of all, World Cup was going on. Just about every restaurant that had outdoor seating had a big screen TV playing WC football! We even called our meeting early on Friday so we could go sit in a pub and watch Germany (LOSE! Eh!)
Frankfurt Old Town
Old Town Frankfurt. We ate lunch under the yellow awnings.Schnitzel and Spaetzel and Beer...oh my!

Bigger than your head?
Never drink anything bigger than your head!

Beer Hier!
What do you know...a litre of beer is NOT bigger than my head!

Then it was off to the Middle East. Dubai is a very Western city. And I mean WESTERN! If there hadn't been signs in Arabic, I'm not sure I would have known I was in the Middle East. To me, Dubai is a cross between New York City and Las Vegas. And yes...it is a DRY heat!

Dubai Day View
View from my hotel room.

Dubai Top of the World
Burg Khalifa. The World's tallest building

Coach...in Arabic
My favorite sign!

I did get to go to the Top of the Burg Khalifa. The view might have been spectacular, if the smog hadn't been so disgusting. I'm sorry, but Houston's smog problem is nothing compared to Dubai. We also went through the Dubai Aquarium (in the same mall that you enter the Burg Khalifa from). The only thing I missed out on was the indoor ski slope. That was in a different mall.

The Boys' Summer Adventure:
While I was off galavanting halfway across the world, Danny took the boys to stay with his Mom in Austin. Grandma had their days filled with lots of activities. A great summer vacation away from the parents!

water sports, of course!

Pool Sharks
indoor gaming. My boys are turning into Pool Sharks. I'm going to have to learn to play just to keep up with them!

Grandma Agnes
Inner Space Caverns, south of Austin.

 Danny does...Arizona!

After dropping the boys off in Austin, Danny headed to Arizona to meet up with fellow cartridge collectors Pete and Bill. This was for research for his book he's writing...and possibly some bits for his Masters Thesis. Of course, being Danny, he hasn't shared any photos with me, so I have nothing to share with you. Suffice it to say, he came back a happy boy with lots of information!

Hope you enjoyed this mid-year recap. More to come...