Our Ordinary Life

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Week in the Life

I am a huge fan of Ali Edwards. Her ability to capture the simple things in life really appeals to me. So, I was really excited to follow along on her "Week in the Life" challenge. I have one more day to complete the challenge, but here are some highlights from the first 6 days:

I've really enjoyed carrying around my camera this week. It really got me thinking about all the "things" that I see and do during a week. I'm not sure there is any "normal" week for this family LOL! But, this is as close to what we normally do as any other week.


Season said...

Your boys are so cute! I love the picture Dan has of them on his Facebook.

I honestly don't know what I would do without your husband in Dr. Stone's classes. He makes life so much easier for me!