Our Ordinary Life

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Recap

It's been a VERY cold week here in Houston. We've had 3 nights of freezing temperatures. Fortunately, there has been no precipitation (or Participation, as Adam keeps calling it. LOL!). Just super cold temperatures. But, that means we get to have a fire. I love a good blazing fire.

It also means that I could stay inside all weekend and play at The LilyPad's 3rd Birthday Bash! The ladies over there are lots of fun! I even won a couple gift cards during the Saturday evening chat - to Valorie Wibbens (Spotted Dog Designs) and Amy Sumrall. Can't wait to get some new goodies from both of them. But in the meantime, I picked up a TON of new stuff from Kaye Winiecki at The LilyPad's 30% off sale. Right now Kaye and Kristin Rice (K Studio) are my two new favorite designers of digi products. Here's what I got:

and these as well...including something from Amy Martin and Amy Wolff:

And since I'm showing off my digi purchases, I need to include these other things as well...
Gina Miller's contribution to the LilyPad's BYOC:

And the other pieces of the BYOC that I picked up:

Well...this was supposed to be a Project 365 post, but looks like that will have to wait until tomorrow. Yes...I'm keeping up with it. You'll just have to come back later to see what we've been up to.