Our Ordinary Life

Monday, January 04, 2010

Project 365

...or how many times am I going to attempt to do this? Once again I am embarking on a Photo-A-Day journey. The first year I made it 45 days before I pooped out. Last year, I made it about 3 weeks before it got to be too much. This year I swore I wasn't going to do it, but here I am, on January 4th, with photos from the first 4 days of the year. So, rather than say I'm "doing it" I will say that I will take a photo each day that I feel like it. And I will post those photos here...when I feel like it. No pressure. No guilt. Just some photos that represent our everyday life.

First...our New Year's Kitty.

The cats were being cute on the 1st, so I thought I should highlight all 3 of them:

Saturday, I went to Bonnie Blue Quilt's Warehouse Sale. I'm getting back into quilting, so this was the perfect opportunity to stock up on Civil War prints:

Sunday, Danny took down all the outside lights...and got tangled up a bit:

Some of the other ladies who are doing P365 are taking photos of each family member on their birth day, so today it's Geary (who even smiled for me :) ):

So how are you doing on your P365?


Melissa said...

Love the photos! The one of your DH and the lights made me laugh!